Caves With “Golden Libraries” Discovered; Were These Caves Built By Giants?

Caves With “Golden Libraries” Discovered; Were These Caves Built By Giants?

Some people in Ecuador think the caves there, including the Cave of the Tayos, were actually constructed by humans. All of the objects that a man known as father Crespi had amassed were used to photograph, study, and document a discovery that is currently hidden from the public eye. 

Hundreds of sheets of gold, platinum, and other precious metals were hammered out to expose an astounding, undiscovered language, indicating that these books were left behind by a people with extraordinary talents.

The Ecuadorian government has denied any such discovery, but once the rumours spread, both their government and that of the United Kingdom funded a thorough study of the caves. Many people, including the first man on the moon, Neil Armstrong, became interested and ventured into the caves.

The academic community’s arguments about the geology and, by extension, the true history of our Ancestors would be severely undermined if it were ever admitted that these cave systems were artificially carved out of the bedrock. The cave system is so vast that contemporary man has not yet had a chance to investigate it in its entirety, but the small amount that has been examined has provided overwhelming evidence supporting the hypothesis that the caves were constructed by humans.

For instance, it’s obvious that the Moricz portal, so named for Juan Moricz, the purported discoverer of the metallic library, is manmade.

  1. Why go to all the trouble of creating a cave system that looks like it was formed over millions of years? 
  2. Was everything built just to conceal this library?
  3. Then how crucial may the data inside be?
  4. Why, then, would the first man to walk on the moon be interested in such a discovery?
  5. Did the astronaut have information we haven’t uncovered yet?

For example, on July 8, 1969, Juan Moricz signed an affidavit in which he admitted that he had met with the president of Ecuador and been offered full ownership of his finding on the condition that he produce photographic evidence and a witness who could corroborate the find. 

In 1972, when Moricz and von Däniken met, he led him to a hidden passageway where they reached a massive manmade chamber deep within the caves. According to his book The Gold of the Gods, von Däniken apparently never visited the library itself.

The angles formed by the passages are all right angles. They can be rather slim at times, and quite broad at others. There is a general impression that the walls have been polished. The ceilings are flat and occasionally appear to have a glaze covering them… Like magic, all my scepticism regarding the tunnels’ actual existence gone, and I felt an overwhelming sense of joy. According to Moricz, such tunnels ran for hundreds of kilometres beneath the ground in Ecuador and Peru.

Parts of The Cave of the Tayos look like they were created by humans, therefore the question is who made such extraordinary efforts so far back in time? 

If you didn’t want to hide something, why build a place like this deep underground and make it look like it was made by nature? 

Many still believe that the truth, is still hidden deep beneath its unexplored depths, a knowledge that will force us to completely rewrite the history of mankind. Many adventurers continue to this day to be preoccupied with the caves, hoping to solve the mystery of the man-made stone formations inside.

Are the legends accurate around Cuevos De Los Tayos?

Could there have been a library of ancient texts made of metal there, bequeathed to us by a long-gone technologically advanced civilization?

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