Self-Structure and Samadhi: Understanding the Soul’s Sheaths


Self-structure is a concept that is described by many developmental models. Ancient civilizations had their own interpretations of self-structure, such as the Upanishads, which referred to the soul’s sheaths as koshas. These koshas reflect a layer of the self-structure and can serve as a veil or level of maya that distracts individuals from their true nature.

The Mirrors of Self-Structure:

Most individuals identify with their reflections, which come in the form of numerous self-mirrors that change with time. These mirrors include the physical body, ideas, intuition, perceptions, prana, the higher mind, and non-dual bliss. The majority of people are unaware of the influence these layers have on them and their hidden reflections. Without a knowledgeable guide, some of these mirrors may remain hidden, making it difficult for individuals to fully understand their own self-structure.

Breaking the Mirrors and Samadhi:

Imagine breaking all the mirrors. This represents stilling the mind and no longer being subject to object. However, this does not lead to oblivion, as the primordial condition is immanence, which is neither something nor nothing. Emptiness and form are the same and the womb of creation contains all possibilities. Samadhi, or transcendental happiness, reveals that everything in life is energy and consciousness and that the reality individuals think they live in is actually a reflection of themselves.

Self-Realization and Samadhi:

Self-realization begins by discovering what individuals are not through self-study and the practice of Samadhi. This process involves observing the meditation object until it fades or the individual disappears into it. All spiritual traditions, including Advaita Vedanta, Buddhism, and St. Teresa of Avila, encourage this slow approach to self-realization, as it removes anything temporary or changing. To reflect the source, the unconscious must become transparent, and self-freedom is achieved when all self-layers are empty and concept-free.


In ancient traditions, Samadhi was achieved by turning attention away from all known objects and towards consciousness itself. It’s the ego’s abyss, a state of transcending union, where all striving and doing ceases. The word Samadhi comes from Sanskrit and is used in various spiritual traditions, including Vedic yoga and Buddhism. It represents the cessation of the vortex or spiral of thought and the separation of consciousness from the mind’s matrix.

The Fourth State of Consciousness:

Samadhi is the fourth state of consciousness, known as the ground state or Turiya in Vedanta. This state of awakeness can persist alongside other consciousness states and is referred to by other names such as Christ, Krishna, Buddha, and Sahaja Samadhi. Sahaja Samadhi preserves the immanent self and complete human function, as the center of changing phenomena remains still while thoughts, sensations, and energy circle around it. This timeless consciousness is a developmental stage that grows organically as individuals spend more time in Samadhi.


In conclusion, self-structure is a complex concept that can only be fully understood through self-realization and the practice of Samadhi. Samadhi reveals that everything in life is energy and consciousness and that individuals are the source of the reality they think they live in. It is a state of primal awakeness that can persist alongside other consciousness states and is a developmental stage that grows organically over time. To achieve self-freedom, the unconscious must become transparent, and all self-layers must be emptied and concept-free.

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