Those Who Will be born after 2030 will directly take up a Light Body becoming a Light Being……

Those Who Will be born after 2030 will directly take up a Light Body becoming a Light Being……   

The most basic functional unit of our body is this single cell. The human body is made up of an estimated 100 trillion cells. Each cell has a nucleus that contains DNA molecules. The prominent role of DNA is the long-term storage of information. It contains the instructions and blueprints to construct other cells and cell components. This information is stored in the form of genes inside the DNA molecules. 

The DNA carries genetic information from one generation to another. This is why a single cell in the mother’s womb grows into a human baby, complete with all the internal and external organs and various processes that make it a human being.      

Scientists discovered that DNA molecules are made up of two strands that resemble a twisted ladder, and the genes are located on these two strands. Another discovery is that about 90% of the genes in these strands are not used for any purpose, and hence are called junk DNA. Most importantly, the DNA molecules also have many other strands, which have become dormant because of the Dark Ages that humanity passed through an essential step in transmuting.      

The physical body into a light body is activating the junk DNA or 90% of the inactive genes. 

When the junk DNA becomes active, it results in the physical body exhibiting newer characteristics. Moreover, the activation of the additional strands releases the information stored in them to invoke extraordinary capacities, healing powers, and the ability to hold the light in the cells.       

Such activations occur whenever humanity transits from the dark ages to the light age. Since we are moving into a completely new light age with its unique characteristics, the DNA Activation processes have also been revised. 

The issues are yet to reveal the number of DNA strands that will constitute the new light bodies, the activations of the junk DNA, and the dormant strands will be carried out under the careful monitoring and observation of the light that we hold in our system. Along with the changes at the cellular level, the transformation will also occur at the level of organs and internal systems of the physical body.        


The transformation will happen in stages, and our existing systems and organs will be upgraded into their advanced forms. The digestion, circulation, respiration, reproductive and nervous systems will change according to their new enhancements. 

In the final stages, the five senses will be replaced with their singular forms. Once the physical body transmutes into a light body, the remaining parts of the human system will also transform resulting in an advanced mind, intellect, and spiritual body, along with Kundalini and other advanced faculties. A wholly transformed human system will be able after completing all these processes over 15 to 20 years. 

When will the transformation occur?

A few individuals on this earth have been striving to shift into light bodies for a long time, they will be able to see the results of their efforts from March 2022 onwards. For the rest of humanity who qualify for the new light age, the transition from the gross physical body to the light body will happen in three phases. 

The first phase starts from the beginning of the year 2023. This batch consists of those who begin to prepare themselves for the new age. They have spiritual backgrounds, and they’re already in the process of purifying and cleansing themselves at all levels. 

Moreover, those who are simple at heart and God-loving, will also make the shift because of their inherent purity. The first phase starts from the beginning of the year 2023. This batch consists of those who begin to prepare themselves for the new age. They have spiritual backgrounds, and they’re already in the process of purifying and cleansing themselves at all levels. 

Moreover, those who are simple at heart and God-loving, will also make the shift because of their inherent purity. The second phase starts in the middle of 2025. Those who awaken because of the various catastrophic events and earth changes expected to occur around this time, we’ll start the transition into light bodies. 

Moreover, those who do not choose the light age will be shifted to the seven Earths in this duration. This phase will be between 2025 and 2030. The third phase begins in 2030, after the light age is established on our Earth, all the Rishi workers and light workers who would have strived to help all humanity to shift to the new age will into light bodies in this face.

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