Lost Ancient Technology- How They Moved Massive Stone Blocks With Ease

The undeniable evidence of a once highly capable group accomplished incredible feats of ancient architectural engineering, advanced metallurgy, and so on. Often far too advanced and out of place artifacts are found which suggest overwhelming evidence for once existing, yet now lost advanced civilizations. Furthermore, the exposure of the additionally, yet equally abundant evidence for these multiple groups having experienced some abrupt sudden extinction, vanishing amidst their workings, seemingly in an instant, yet we’re we feel displayed incredible capability. And we’re at the time of these vanishing acts, in a position of apparent flourish meant polygonal joinery, gigantic megalithic building blocks and many more.   

Thousand of years after these megalithic buildings still generate unending debate about how they were made. Traditional archaeologists who reject the likelihood of highly advanced civilizations in the distant past insist that they were built entirely by using primitive tools. Some of the buildings or at least parts of them could have been constructed in this way.      

Still, numerous engineers have stated that some features would be difficult if not impossible to replicate today. Some of the weight and size of the stone have prompted researchers to question whether the ancient architects had mastered the art of levitation. For many years, it has been suggested that this theory can account for the lifting of heavy stone blocks in ancient times.       

Is there any indication that levitation was used either from ancient records or modern scientific experiments?      

The pre-Incan citadels at Sacsayhuaman and all Ollantaytambo when the Peruvian Andes consist of cyclopean walls created from tight-fitting polygonal stone blocks their heaviest weighing over 120 tonnes. The stones used at Ollantaytambo were somehow moved from a quarry located 11 kilometers away on another mountain top. The descent from this mountain is hindered by a river valley with 305-meter vertical rock walls.           

The stones of Tiahuanaco in Bolivia include some weighing almost 100 tonnes transported from quarries 50 kilometers away. Nearby Puma Punku also has enormous stone blocks and their heaviest block weighing 440 tons. Local Imar people told Spanish Chronicle is that the ruins were here long before them. It’s earliest inhabitants they said possessed supernatural powers, enabling them to miraculously lift stones off the ground, which were then carried from the mountain quarries through the air the sound of a trumpet.     

According to a Mayan legend, the Oksmal temple complex in the Yucatan Peninsula was built by a race of little people, they apparently only had to whistle and heavy rocks would move into place. Interestingly, it is said that if a person stands at the base of the main temple and claps their hands, the stone structure at the top produces a chirping sound.      

Stories of a mysterious energy being used to lift and move stone blogs are in fact worldwide. For instance, legends about Easter Island’s enormous Maori statues, some of which are as tall as a three-story building, tell how sorcerers or priests use manner or mind power to make them walk or float through the air. The megalithic city of the nun model situated on the remote island of Pohnpei comprises hundreds of stacked stone logs each about 18 feet long and several feet in diameter.        

Each stone is thought to weigh about two and a half tons. local legends say it was created by the god-kings, Allah SEPA and Allah Soper, who used magic spells to move the massive stones through the air like birds. According to early Greek Chronicles, the walls of the ancient city of Thebes were built by a son of Jupiter. His name was Amfion and when he played loud and clear on his golden Leia, rock twice as large followed in his footsteps. Another account claims he moved large rocks to the music of his heart. The accomplishments of the ancient Egyptian architects have caused several investigators to question whether levitation might have been used. For example, the main temples on the Giza Plateau contain huge limestone blocks placed on top of one another, weighing between 50 and 200 tons.      

What’s more, 200 feet up in the roof of the Great Pyramids kings chamber are substantial granite beams weighing up to 70 tons. However, in almost every culture where megaliths exist, legends also exist that the huge stones were moved by acoustic means, either by whistles, symbols, trumpets, and gongs or by using the chanted spells of magicians by striking with a magic rod or one to produce Acoustic Resonance or by song.      

We suspect these huge stones and subsequent efforts and movement and placement were all deliberately motivated to not only show their power. But also to leave a lasting reminder upon our planet which indicates their advanced past existence. Many questions remain mysteriously unanswered.

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